Just a quick one to let you all know about a few changes we're making here at Grumpy Panda Food..
The first being branding. Over the years we've flicked between logo designs, colours schemes, layouts and general branding. Well, we've finally designed the perfect image for GPF and we'll be rolling this out across all of our social media, advertisements and physical products in the next few weeks. These boys are here to stay so make sure you look out for them!

Keep your eyes peeled for our brand new logo - coming soon!
Next, we're expanding! We're in the process of creating a brand new online shop where you'll be able to purchase Grumpy Panda Food merchandise, handmade gifts, dried food products and more! We're aiming to have the shop up and running by the first week of December, so keep checking back here for further information and make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram for some exclusive launch offers.
Finally, we've been working on a prepacked range of Grumpy Panda Food goodies just for you! So if you just fancy stocking up your fridge with delicious delights, you can take home specially prepared packs of burgers, sausages, multi mixes and condiments - perfect for quick dinners, hangover binges and lazy Sunday mornings.. We'll be launching these at the Gateshead Winter Festival on Saturday 3rd December. See you there!